Our trusted assistant in the era of working from anywhere in the world
We firmly believe in simplifying the process of finding remote jobs and adapting to changes in the work environment at home. Our mission is to create a single platform for professionals and companies to share knowledge, get useful advice and find support.

About us
Key benefits of our service:
- Educational programs and materials: We offer regular webinars and online courses organized by experts in the field of remote work, which will give you the opportunity to improve the skills you need to be productive at home.
- Community and Discussion: Our users have the opportunity to participate in debates by asking questions and sharing knowledge in specialized groups and forums.
- Counseling Services: You can sign up for personal consultations with career experts to get customized suggestions and guidance.
- Our platform is ready to be your trusted ally on your journey to success in remote work, providing you with the resources, support and tools you need to effectively start and progress. Join us and start realizing your career ambitions now!

Why choose remote working?
Remote working opens up new horizons for adults to grow their careers and form an independent life.
Nowadays, remote working is no longer just a buzzword, it has become an integral part of life for millions of people around the globe. It is especially important for those who seek career reorientation, more flexible working conditions or a harmonious combination of professional and personal interests.
Remote work gives an advantage in planning personal time. Working from home or any other cozy place, it is possible to create the most suitable conditions for work, which contributes to increased efficiency. In addition, remote work expands the horizons of job search, allowing you to work in companies located outside your region, without leaving the familiar comfort of your city.
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions will help you quickly find answers to your questions and get you set up to use our platform.
1. How do I register on the site?
To begin the registration process, go to the homepage and click the “Register” button. Fill out all fields, including your name and email address.
2. How do I write a resume that will attract attention when looking for a remote job?
We have a helpful resources section available on our website with tips on how to create an effective resume. Try to emphasize your professional skills, experience and achievements related to remote work.
3. What do you recommend for finding remote work for comfort and convenience?
We encourage you to actively use the filter settings on the jobs page, sign up for notifications of new jobs and participate in our community to share your experiences and get helpful tips, and for ongoing engagement!
4. How do I apply for a job?
Once you have selected a suitable vacancy, click the “Submit Application” button on the vacancy details page, fill in all fields and attach your resume.
5. Is it possible to get career counseling?
Of course, a personal consultation service is available on the platform. To book an appointment with our expert, please use the form below.
6. How do I connect to online seminars and other events on the platform?
All the latest news about upcoming webinars and events will be delivered to you via email. You can register for events that interest you and you will receive notifications about them by mail.
7. What topics are covered in educational materials and publications?
We'll cover a range of topics including tips for increasing productivity, time management, fighting the urge to procrastinate, and strategies for communicating effectively in a team working remotely.
8. How do I contact our support team?
To contact our support team, you can use the Contact Us section of the website or send an email to [email protected].

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We have developed a unique environment aimed at teaching adults new ways of working and building key competencies for career progression.